Thursday, April 01, 2010

We caved Tues nite

And ordered Pizza from Papa Johns. Right now we love their $10/pizza deal. Especially since the kids can go through a large cheese pizza in one sitting.

So, after getting 3 pizzas we spent $40 - at least it was dinner Tuesday night for all 5 of us (R was at his mom's), and it was lunch for K and T/A on Wednesday. So, 8 meals = $5/meal.

What really stinks about this is if our oven was working we could've just had the frozen pizzas just sitting in our freezer for about a 1/4 of the cost. (yes I got a good deal - $1/pizza)

Unfortunately this won't be the last time we eat out this week. The kids (T/S) have a dentist appt on Friday so I know there will be some fast food involved then, but at least we get to head to Gma's for free dinner. :)

Hopefully next week we can stick to our "eating out only one time per week" rule.

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