Friday, August 31, 2007

Well - she's off to a better place

My grandmother's (father's mother) health has slowly been declining these last 10 months or more. She would've been 89 in November.

Unexpectedly, her death has made me sadder than I thought I would be. I don't know if it's because she was my last grandparent or if it's emphathy for my dad. You see my dad's father passed away 14 years ago, and his only sibling almost 7 years ago. He's not close to his extended family so his immediate family was all he really had. In my communication with him last night and today he's been very mater of fact, which I know is his way in dealing with his grief. But I'm at a loss for what to do for him. A big batch of chocolate chip cookies just doesn't seem like enough.

For those that care I wasn't very close with my any of my grandparents except my maternal grandfather. I've always felt a little cheated in the grandparent department 'cause none of my grandparents were the ideal grandparent - except my Grandpa Clary.

So, the service will be Saturday at 2pm. Just a small grave site, and family only. That's what she wanted.

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